Be The Envy Of ALL Your Friends
As you go through each day CALM, COOL & COLLECTED
Get Control Of Your Day, one list at a time

If you’re like most women, you probably wear 1,000 hats:
The schedule keeper, the school note signer, the gift buyer, the errand runner, the grocery store shopper, the nurse, the chauffeur, the cook, the laundry washer… the list goes on and on.
Maybe you have a passel of kids, Maybe you run your own business, Maybe you run the church yard sale, Maybe you…
No wonder you’re tired!
You have tried everything…
Every planner, every system, every method to keep your life organized but…
They are all too complicated
You start out really good and for a few days your system is working, but then it simply takes too much time, and let’s face it, too much brain power to keep up. What you need is something simple, simple but effective.
They are scattered
Making list after list, and lists of lists, to just lose them. Little scraps of paper or Post-It notes on the table, by the phone, in the car, in your purse… oh man, where did you put that last one?
You just can’t keep track of it all
And it’s no wonder. Without a simple system, no one could. As women, we expect so much of ourselves and then beat ourselves up when we don’t live up to our own wonder woman standard.
Did you know?
The average person spends 60 hours a year looking for their stuff… and I was always above average! 😉
So you see… it’s not your fault. You just need a system and your organized life will become the envy of all your friends. They will begin to ask, “How does she do it all?”
How do I know?
Because I was there once – running from place to place, looking for the list I set down… well, somewhere. All while trying to run two businesses and a family.
But then I decided to design a system that would work for me. I couldn’t rely on those super strict planners that wanted me to spend so much time filling it all in.
I needed something simple.
I thought that I needed a full organizational system… but the reality was that those complicated systems never worked for me. I always found that making lists helped but my system for that wasn’t perfect either. I either found myself with mile long lists with everything on it, or scattered pieces of paper and I could never find what I needed.
In fact, my mom used to always tell me, “If your head wasn’t attached you’d lose that too!”
I needed a way to keep my lists SEPARATE BUT TOGETHER.
I know that sounds weird, but it’s what I needed. I didn’t want everything on one mile long list – I wanted to COMPARTMENTALIZE!!
That was the moment I knew what I needed and I created the Make Today Count List Book.
Can you imagine never looking for another slip of paper again?
a list book for the organized woman

Make Today… And Every Day… Count!
So, what exactly makes this different?
It’s the separate but togetherness of the lists!

Every list book has a pocket to keep any list that you happen to tear out. It’s a great way to keep everything all in one spot.

Every sheet has a space for 4 lists. They are perforated to make it easy to tear them out but you can also simply leave them in the book.

The top binding keeps all of the spiral wire out of the way, even if you’re left handed. It truly is the better way to bind any book that you plan on writing in.
What are some of the ways to use the list book?
David Allen is a productivity guru who suggests keeping lists based on where you will be when you need to do the task: Home, Car, Computer, or Phone.
The list book is perfect for organizing this way because each page has exactly 4 lists.
Hate when all of your lists run together? I know… me too! The list book allows you to keep those lists separate but in the same location so that you know where to find them.
Have multiple kids? The list book makes doling out chores a breeze – just write down each kids list, tear it out and hand it right to them.

You have so many people to buy gifts for, and the last thing they want or need is another coffee mug, lotion basket, candy or calendar.
Those gifts just leave you unmemorable and like everyone else.
Stand out in the crowd and give a gift they can really use!
Who loves list books?
- Teachers
- Clients
- Co-Workers
- Customers
- Hair Stylists
- Manicurists
- Your Online Team
- Your Employees
- Your Bible Study Group
- Your House Cleaner
- Your Bowling League
You get the point… if she likes to make lists, there is no other book like the Make Today Count List Book.

One Book = $20
Five or More Books = $17 each
Free Shipping On All Orders
And, if you are looking for help getting your finances straight or you need that extra little encouragement to finally get out of debt, Kim’s your girl for that, too.”

I only have a limited number of list books in stock and when they’re gone, they’re gone! Don’t miss out!
If you are not satisfied with your book, or you simply ordered more than you need, send it back to us in unused condition within 14 days for a full refund (less shipping of $5).